Personal Ethics

Important info :  my consultations are a spiritual guidance. They should not become a substitute for a psychotherapy or a medical treatment. I encourage you to seek medical treatment if needed.
By no means could I substitute for your physician or any other medical professional, or expert.
If you are on medical treatment, do not stop it or modify it without seeking professional medical advice first.
After consultation, you have your free will to act according to your own choices. By no means would I be held accountable for what you chose to do after the consultation is done. You have your free will to decide for your own life.
Astrology and personal development are not a proven science. These are guidances .

I strongly encourage you to rely on your own intuition to make choices in your life and to trust your own decisions no matter what.

I will not judge you nor will I judge your circumstances. I will genuinely and honestly  tell you about my perceptions.

I can refuse a consultation if I think that my abilities exceed your request as a client or if your request is inappropriate.

It is my right to refuse a consultation and to guide you towards a health practitioner or a medical professional if my personal ethics exceed my abilities and thus cannot meet your demands as a client.

There are no refunds . All sales are final.

1 astrology

As said above, Astrology is not a proven science. It is a guidance.

An astrology consultation should not interfere with your free will to make decisions and choices. Nothing is set in stone.

I could not be held accountable of your actions and decisions after the consultation. You are free to make your own choices and decisions in your life.

Your free will prevails.

I encourage you to rely on your perception and intuition to make decisions in your life.

A consultation of a dead person will not be accepted.

2 Personal and spiritual development

Personal and spiritual development consultations are a personalized support. They could not subsitute for a medical treatment or psychotherapy.

If you have health issues, serious mental illness, it is advised to seek professional medical treatment or a qualified mental health practicioner.

If you have legal or crime related issues, it is preferable to contact a lawyer.

It is my right to refuse a consultation and to guide you towards a health practitioner or a medical professional if my personal ethics exceed my abilities and thus cannot meet your request as a client.

I will not be held accountable for the decisions you make in your life. Your free will is what prevails.

3 Late for a consultation

If you happen to be late for a consultation (15 mins will be tolerated), please tell me beforehead at leat a few hours before the appointment. The consultation then will take place but the 15 mins left will be deducted from the consultation price.

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